No man should be texting a child. That is just wrong. You were right on to be worried. You truly cannot trust any JW. The elders are told not to tell parents. One of the sex offenders in the hall I went to is not a registered sex offender. He missed the dead line of having to register because he did his crime before that law went into affect.
He is really scary. I got his court records and police records as the elders would not believe me that he even raped children. He was involved with my sister is how I knew he was a child molester. The elders were so mad that I got public records. Hello they are called PUBLIC RECORDS it is legal for me to do that. It was like was breaking the law or something to the elders.
In fact the elders are breaking the law to allow sex offenders to hold and be around children. At least in my state it is against the law but no one really knows that. If I had known I would have called the police on the elders. The elders could have gotten in more trouble then even the pedophile.
This whole thing is so maddening and very upsetting. But the friends listen to the elders as if it were Jehovah speaking Himself.